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A good Paleolithic unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool, Norfolk.
A good Paleolithic unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool, Norfolk.
A good Paleolithic unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool, Norfolk. A good Paleolithic unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool, Norfolk. A good Paleolithic unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool, Norfolk. A good Paleolithic unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool, Norfolk.
Our Price: £28.00

c.100,000 to 50,000 B.C. A unifacial flint backed blade / saw tool found many years ago in Norfolk and from an old Norfolk collection. Nicely fashioned from an outer pebble flake of attractive dark flint with light rippling running through it. Largely flat underside and pebble cortex remaining on upper surface to aide grip of the tool, clearly worked along left edge to form an almost denticulated blade edge. The tool fits a right hand pefectly with the thumb naturally resting in a depression on the on the upper surface, totally intact and in very good condition, a pleasant example, 108mm long x 36mm wide x 26mm thick