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A large & excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal) "backed" flint knife , France. SOLD
A large & excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal)
A large & excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal) A large & excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal) A large & excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal) A large & excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal)
Our Price: £0.00


c.60,000-40,000 B.C. A large and excellent Paleolithic Mousterian (Neanderthal) flint "backed" knife found in the early part of the 20th Century at the famous Neanderthal site of Peyzac Le Moustier, in the Dordogne, France and from an old French lithic collection. Formed from a large thick flint flake struck from a prepared flint core with further retouching along both edges to hone and sharpen them, blade edges still fairly sharp; some pebble cortex remaining in centre or upper worked surface, largely smooth on underside. Old ink inscription on upper surface citing "LES FERELIES PAYZAC". Totally intact and in lovely condition with an attractive old collection patina, a nice example of its type, 100mm long x 54mm wide x 26mm at thickest point