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A nice Early Anglo Saxon "Cruciform Small Long Brooch" from Essex. SOLD
A nice Early Anglo Saxon
A nice Early Anglo Saxon A nice Early Anglo Saxon A nice Early Anglo Saxon A nice Early Anglo Saxon
Our Price: £0.00


c.6th Century A.D. A nice Early Anglo Saxon "Cruciform Small Long Brooch" found near Leigh-on-Sea, Essex and from an Essex collection. Slightly more slender and elongate than some with a nicely fashioned Cruciform head plate, small hump in bow below, slender main brooch body leading to a flat splayed terminal at the base. Pin and catchplate missing as is typical for these brooches, plus possible, old and small, but professionally administered metallurgical repair below hump, not detracting however, otherwise this Early Saxon brooch is is totally intact, in good overall shape and of decent metal with and overall dark surface patination, a nice example of the type, 68mm long x 24mm wide x 14mm deep