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Home > The Ancient Near East > Ancient Iraq, Syria, Persia and Palestine
A small but pleasant Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet (Repaired) SOLD
A small but pleasant Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet (Repaired) SOLD
A small but pleasant Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet (Repaired) SOLD A small but pleasant Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet (Repaired) SOLD A small but pleasant Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet (Repaired) SOLD A small but pleasant Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet (Repaired) SOLD
Our Price: £0.00


c.1000 - 600 B.C. A small Late Bronze Age Palestinian juglet fashioned from a dark grey terracotta with a bulbous main body tapering to a small narrow neck with out-turned rim and a small loop handle on its shoulder. This little vessel would most likely have been used for holding perfumed oils / unguents. Excavated broken and repaired / restored by a previous owner sometime in the early-mid 20th Century and from an old West Country collection. A pleasant and affordable little ancient vessel from the Holy lands, 67mm high x 50mm at widest.