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An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe, Lymington, Hampshire (N64) SOLD
An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe, Lymington, Hampshire (N64) SOLD
An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe, Lymington, Hampshire (N64) SOLD An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe, Lymington, Hampshire (N64) SOLD An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe, Lymington, Hampshire (N64) SOLD An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe, Lymington, Hampshire (N64) SOLD
Our Price: £0.00


c.10,000-8,000 B.C. An attractive & well worked Mesolithic flint hand axe dredged up many years back from the River Solent near Lymington, Hampshire and from a Hampshire Geologists collection. Expertly fashioned from an attractive pale olive green coloured flint, unifacially worked with a largely flat underside but copiously worked on upper surface with much fine working along one side to form a distinct functional chopping / cutting blade edge. Area of cortex remaining on one side which no doubt formed the grip of the axe. In excellent condition, very nicely defined and with a most attractive surface ageing and shiny patination, a very appealing and tactile example of the type, 120mm long x 48mm wide x 25mm thick