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An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration from Norfolk. SOLD
An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration from Norfolk. SOLD
An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration from Norfolk. SOLD An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration from Norfolk. SOLD An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration from Norfolk. SOLD An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration from Norfolk. SOLD
Our Price: £0.00


c.13th/14th Century A.D. An excellent and still functional pair of Medieval bronze tweezers with punched decoration found many years back in Norfolk. Skillfully made from a single piece of bronze with a suspension loop, wide shoulders and elongate narrow jaws, each decorated along their length with four groups of three punched dots arranged in triangular patterns. Tweezers still flexible and functional with good metal with a pleasant overall dark green patination, a pleasant and interesting Medieval personal item, 48mm long x 18mm wide x 5mm deep.