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Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Large, Rare Ancient Egyptian 18th Dynasty Heiroglyphic Ushabti, checked & read by B.M. SOLD
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Nicely framed fragments of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, Saqqara, Egypt (K32) SOLD
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A rare Hieroglyphic segment from an Ancient Egyptian painted Wooden (Cedar) Sarcophagus (K38) SOLD
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A group of 6 small fragments of Cartonnage from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy Sarcophagus (K29) SOLD
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Nicely framed fragments of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, Egypt (K31) SOLD
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A nicely framed fragment of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, Saqqara, Egypt (K33) SOLD
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A rare Mummified heel/ankle bone from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy (K28) SOLD
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A nicely framed segment of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, SOLD
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A nicely presented segment of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy (K23) SOLD
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A rare and excellent Upper Paleolithic / Predynastic Egyptian flint knife, Fayuum, Egypt. SOLD
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A nicely framed fragment of painted cartonnage from an Ancient Egyptian anthropoid sarcophagus. SOLD
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An attractively mounted group of 3 x Ancient Egyptian wooden funerary boatmen, Thebes. SOLD
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Ancient Egyptian grains of wheat from a Ptolemaic tomb, nicely framed, Old collection (K21) SOLD
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A rare fragment of cartonnage from an Ancient Egyptian Anthropoid sarcophagus SOLD
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A small segment of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, Ex Lord Lindsay Coll., (K14) SOLD
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A large & very nicely framed segment of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy (K11) SOLD
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A scarce and excellent Romano-Egyptian decorative "Frog Lamp", Egyptian Delta SOLD
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A nicely framed piece of Ancient Coptic (Christian) Egyptian fabric from a shroud or garment SOLD
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A nicely framed piece of Ancient Coptic (Christian) Egyptian fabric from a shroud / garment (3) SOLD
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A nicely framed piece of Ancient Coptic (Christian) Egyptian fabric from a shroud / garment (2) SOLD
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A nicely framed segment of linen wrapping from an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, SOLD
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A large and attractive Upper Paleolithic Egyptian Cordiform flint hand axe, Egypt. (AX1) SOLD
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A very attractive Upper Paleolithic / Predynastic Egyptian flint hand axe, Egypt (AX2) SOLD
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A large and superbly worked Neolithic / Pre-Dynastic Egyptian Piriform flint knife (EG3) SOLD
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An excellent Neolithic / Pre-Dynastic Egyptian flint, tanged, arrow / spear point (EG2) SOLD
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An attractive Upper Paleolithic / Predynastic Egyptian flint knife / scraper from Thebes. SOLD
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A large & very finely worked Neolithic / Pre-Dynastic Egyptian flint Leaf shaped knife (EG4) SOLD
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A pleasant Neolithic / Pre-Dynastic Egyptian flint / chert, tanged, arrow / spear point (EG1) SOLD
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A good pair of finely worked Neolithic Pre-Dynastic Egyptian partial flint sickles (EG6 & 7) SOLD
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A large & very finely worked Neolithic / Pre-Dynastic Egyptian flint Leaf shaped knife (EG5) SOLD
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A large and superbly worked Neolithic / Pre-Dynastic Egyptian Piriform flint knife (EG8) SOLD
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A scarce and detailed Ancient Egyptian turquoise faience amulet of Khnum (Ram headed God) SOLD
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A large, attractive Ancient Egyptian multiple "Eye of Horus" bichrome faience amulet. SOLD
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A small Ancient Egyptian turquoise glazed faience amulet of Sekhmet (Lion headed Goddess) SOLD
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A pleasant Ancient Egyptian green glazed Faience "Heart" amulet. SOLD
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A small stylised Ancient Egyptian Faience amulet of Hatmehyt (Fish Goddess) SOLD
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A small stylised Ancient Egyptian Faience amulet of Ptah Sokar (Dwarf God) SOLD
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A small stylised Ancient Egyptian Faience amulet of Sobek (Crocodile God) SOLD
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A pleasantly mounted facial segment from a large Ancient Egyptian wooden votive statuette. SOLD
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A large Ancient Egyptian, Third Intermediate Period mounted Ushabti figure, old collection. SOLD
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